Tuesday 6 January 2015

More filming dates and "selling" the artist

On either Wednesday 7th or/and Thursday 8th I intend on filming the male's part of the music video. This should take around half an hour as his part is relatively small in the song. I plan on selling this band as a solo female artist, with the male vocalist featuring on this track therefore he does not need to play a big role in the filming of the music video. As the male only has a small verse in this song there is no need for a whole take as he will only feature in the video at this part. Any extra shots I do of him not lip syncing may be used scattered throughout accordingly or in the run-up to his part.


I will be filming in my living room again against the same wall because it is a space that I can easily manipulate with lighting and props. Although it is a relatively small space that allows only a mid-shot in the frame to avoid including plug sockets etc. this is fine for music video purposes where I plan on focusing on close ups of the artist. 


I want to film many side profiles of the artist and extreme close ups of the features while he is lip-syncing to hide his identity for a short period of time. For other filler shots with the both of us in the frame I will reveal all of his face- this is partially due to confidence on camera and working as a team by compromising. I may also try to include an eye-line shot to conform to Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze and Andrew Goodwin's idea that pop music videos often include this feature.

Details of the various shots to take:

Extreme close-up of female vocalist's hand on male's shoulder, caressingly

Close-up of lips while lip syncing

More close-ups of the girl behind male vocalist

More extreme-close ups of neck/jaw

Extreme close-ups of hands etc

Mid-shot/close up of chest up to reveal girl standing behind

Close-up of lip syncing


The props needed for this filming will be:

1) A chair or stool where the male vocalist will sit and perform (influenced by The Weeknd's videos)
2) Smoke machine for added effects to ensure to increase realism
3) Various lamps for the lighting, I want the lighting to be dim and gloomy for this section of the music video


Male vocalist
  • Preferably dark/black clothing
  • Casual but trendy, conforming to the style of the song and music video - must appeal to the target audience
  • Dark jeans (slim fit)
  • Dark jumper
  • Bomber jacket
  • Chain
  • Hair away from face but keeping the casual/scruffy/young look and appeal
Female vocalist
  • Black dress
  • Hair concealing face if possible to ensure that attention is mainly on the male vocalist
  • Dark makeup
  • Some bold jewellery

1) Camera
2) Tripod

If filming does not happen on Wednesday evening it will be rescheduled to Thursday evening. If Wednesday filming goes ahead and is complete I will try to film any extra shots that I need in any location (as long as weather permits).

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