Sunday 14 December 2014

Filming on Brick Lane

Today I went to Brick Lane to film more shots for my music video. It was a very successful filming sessions as there were no complications with the weather, the transport and the timing. A friend helped with the tracking shots while I directed and took some landscape shots of the Brick Lane sign and large sky scrapers in the distance. We took many tracking shots along various back-roads, both singing and not singing for lip-syncing shots and for fillers. I intend on ending the track with a montage, a compilation of all shots taken in each scene; today's filming will help me add to this. The only issue I may come across during editing is the dark lighting from the street lights. While I tried to avoid the dullness and flatness of daylight, filming took 2 hours (15:30-17:30pm) which meant it was progressively getting darker. My favourite shots were the ones against the battered, fenced graffiti wall as this enhanced the urban, gritty look I want to achieve.

My friend helping with the filming (using the monopod)

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