Wednesday 11 March 2015

Music Video Rough Cut/Feedback

This is the rough cut of my music video, I still need to import the remaining footage for one of the song's verses and cut some of the shots into the montage at the end. I may also include some video transitions between verses and choruses as all I have is sharp cuts so far.


Overall, I received positive feedback on my rough cut despite being limited in shots throughout. They were particularly impressed with the montage at the end where they were refreshed with snippets of the music video in its entirety. One said it created a sense of chronological order and added to the emotion and drama of the music. Another mentioned how well it was edited to the beat.

The main criticism was on the repetitiveness of some of the shots- this is understandable as I am yet to film in other locations with varying costumes. They also mentioned that there is too much "black" i.e. gaps. I will need to plan my final filming as soon as possible to fix this and to complete the final product.

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