Wednesday 19 November 2014

Case Study: Jamie Thraves

Jamie Thraves' music videos:

All three videos have in common their simplicity - all are mainly set in an ordinary domestic room with underlying literal connections. However the most prominent element is the connection with the lyrics' emotion. I find Tom Odell's video is the most effective; it is filmed in one long take, the argument/action builds up over the course of the video along with the drama and emotion of the song.

Katy B - Broken Record

Goodwin's theory can be applied to Katy B's music video as Jamie Thraves uses genre characteristics of pop music. It illustrates the lyrics and has party scenes to match the location where this style of music is mostly played. There are close-ups of Katy B singing throughout the video which helps us identify her as the main attraction - it is Katy B who is selling the product. Likewise, this notion of looking is sustaineed throughout, particularly the three occasions where Katy B looks enviously into a corridor where a couple are kissing. On the second occasion, they look back at her and on the third she looks, but chooses to ignore them.

There is the use of Mulvey's male gaze as the man stares down at her singing in the bed:

Death Cab for a Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Tom Odell - Another Love

1 comment:

  1. Saana, try to add a little more to this Blog. Comment on what Thraves said about the relationship between lyrics and visuals.
    You could analyse a couple of other videos.
    Have you googled to see what others say about his work?
