Wednesday 19 November 2014

Audience Research

What types of music videos do they watch?
What kind of music are they into?
Do they watch music videos?
What is the age of the audience?
How/Where do they listen to music?
How/Where do they watch music?

These are the questions that I must consider when retrieving my audience research. It may also be helpful to ask them to comment on my chosen track as this will help me identify the target audience and possible wider audience. Often, fans of a band will not consider the music video when it comes to buying/listening to the music. However audiences that might not have previously considered or enjoyed listening to the artist's music may find themselves enjoying a song after watching a good, effective music video. The purpose of the music video is to promote the artist and the song which is why it is essential to simultaneously appeal to the wider audience. 

There are a number of ways of obtaining this information:

  1. Surveys
    • SurveyMonkey: "screen grab" then evaluate the results
  2. Questionnaires
  3. Interviews: filmed
  4. Focus group
  5. Vox Pop

Vox Pops

Vox populi (Latin) = voice of the people

The interviewees are filmed in public places to give the appearance of spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter. There are usually more than a few people that are asked the same questions in order to show "balance"

Examples of questions that I could ask:

Do you watch music videos?
What is your favourite music video?
What do you like about music videos?
What makes a great music video?
Where do you watch music videos?

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