Friday 17 October 2014

First Production Meeting

Today I held my first production meeting (alone!). I enjoy working independently, I feel that I can work at creating a good music video this way. I spent some time in lesson thinking about what I actually want to have as an outcome. After finding my song and artist, I immediately had ideas in my head as to what I want to achieve- and luckily, I had two people that can perform in mind too. I have chosen to use two friends, Danielle and Michael as my "artists" and plan on filming them in my living room, at a local nature reserve, near a brick wall and possibly in some drama room/studio space. It is important to put consideration into locations as filming a scene for a music video in a house (i.e. a cluttered bedroom) is not ideal because it doesn't look realistic. Therefore I need to set up some test shots in my living room before actual filming starts to experiment with the mise-en-scene. This should also be done with the other locations to check the framing and to get more ideas for various shots down. I also began to plan a shot list and started to sketch out these various shots on a storyboard.

In terms of props, I have decided that I will need to use good lighting for shooting in my living room. I am thinking to use lamps, and possibly experiment with the colour of the bulbs as I don't particularly want harsh bright lighting . Red would be effective to set the mood as it has connotations with passion. I also have a fog machine and fairy lights which can add to the subdued feel I want to achieve. I am also thinking of using candles scattered around the room with Polaroid pictures on the wall to contribute to the look and feel of a room belonging to an older teen/young adult (my target audience). As I have previously mentioned, Rihanna's "We Found Love" video has greatly influenced my choice of location and props. Nevertheless, I am yet to decide whether the use of props is necessary for the outside locations. The drama room shoot should only require a chair as I envision myself producing something similar to The Weeknd's video for "Rolling Stone" where he is sat on the chair with the woman circling around him. The drama room is a good space to use as it has a plain black curtain as the background. For the costumes I want Michael to wear dark clothing, possibly all black with a youthful, urban touch by adding trainers or accessories like a gold chain. I am yet to decide on Danielle's costumes but I hope to maintain this dark, youthful, urban look.

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